Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First and Foremost

I'm hoping this will be the blog I keep up with. It's not really about anything aside from the trials of my life as an out lesbian. I'm young, in college, and not experimenting. I live in the smallest town in the shittiest midwestern state and being a proud dyke is not something people around here take very kindly to. But mostly it's just about how ridiculous my family is and how many ridiculous things I see on a daily basis.

Like today when I was on the interstate and saw a piglet crossing the road. This is not a joke. A piglet crossing the interstate. Welcome to my life.

I went to high school at a small school but a pretty liberal school. Most of the gay community at my school was out by 15 or 16 and while I was a vehement ally I was not out, or even aware of my sexual orientation, and wouldn't be until I had my first significant other/partner/girlfriend in college. Also, as a women's studies major (yes, I'm that kind of dyke) I am aware that 'girlfriend' is not particularly the proper vernacular but that's what I'm going to use from now on.

Anyway, today's post is about this theory I have about myself called "poor girl, rich girl." I have never dated someone of my own socioeconomic class (lower-middle) I have always dated people of a higher socioeconomic class than me, and for no reason whatsoever it's just what has always happened. I don't expect to be paid for, in fact, I hate it so it's not like I'm money hungry. So my theory is this -- as an intelligent lower-class person I am an asset to the more well to do for a couple of reasons; I am, as I said, intelligent (I'm by no means a genius) so it's easy for people to accept that fact that I am poor because I make up for it by being of a slightly higher intelligence than people 'expect' from my social class. I also have 'indie' interests meaning that I am willing to look into things people do not expect people from my social class to research or be interested in. Finally, I am no competition for things like money or nicest house or nicest car because I have none of those things!

I am aware that this may sound terrible, but if you only knew my exes you would agree with me. If you don't already.

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