Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gay? Shame On You.

Gay bashing, bullying, and belittling is not something new but in the last few months the suicide and attempted suicide rates of young children has gone up drastically because of this phenomena. In the past year we can look here, here, and here for just a few examples of young men committing suicide after vicious taunting at school. This tragedy has not gone unnoticed, though, Dan Savage has started the "It Gets Better" champaign on youtube as a way to tell teens and young adults struggling with their sexuality or sexual identity that it does, in fact, get better.

Dan and His husband did one (above) that is very moving.

For some extra credit reading take a look at what Focus on the Family's stand against anti-bullying policies is.

I'll clue you in: anti-bullying programs are part of the gay agenda and they step on the rights of Christian families who do not want anything to do with the gay community. In addition GLSEN is an evil organization that must be taken down. I may have done some paraphrasing. Though, speaking of Focus on the Family, if you want to have a little fun check out their long list of music reviews. I'm especially fond of their Indigo Girls review.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The F Word

As a women and gender studies major, I know things just get more shocking, I find it (almost) outrageous when young women in my classes don't take on the term feminist. While, yes, I understand that when people think of feminism they think of bra-burning, man hating, bull dykes it is important to remember that it is not 1973 anymore. That wave of feminism has passed and unless your big summer plans are to attend the Michigan Wymn's Festival then that's not the type of feminism you're going to be involved in.

Feminism is solely about the fight for equal rights for all in America and moreover the world. I cannot imagine my life if it weren't for Feminism and quite frankly don't want to most of the time. Feminism has changed the way I see inequalities in everyday life and, no, being an outspoken feminist has not made me any friends but it has given me a sense of direction in my life and a sense of importance.

Sadly, though, not all women feel this way; in a class I'm taking this semester (previously called sex and public policy, but now called gender and public policy) I have been regularly belittled and made fun of (yes, this is a class at a public university) for my stance on women's rights, don't ask don't tell, and the ERA. Not by the men in the class but by the young women in the class; why are women still doing this to one another? Why are you angry that someone wants to take a stand for your rights? I cannot understand this blind hatred of feminism that women take on.

Anyway, that is not important what is important is Take Back the Night. For those of you who don't know what TBtN is this is a great place to start. Most, sadly I cannot say all, college campuses do activities that are in accordance with take back the night annually. The time is coming soon (the week of Oct. 11) for anyone who wants to get involved or put together a march, rally, or informational table on your college campus! Take back the night hasn't even started yet and I have already had some very moving and important experiences, and I hope that you will get involved too.